IWIS 2023 Summit

Group 44g2023
Group 44g2023


8th India Water Impact Summit [IWIS]


1st Climate Investments and Technology Impact Summit [CITIS]

Development vis-à-vis Land, Water and Rivers
22-24, November 2023 | Dr. Ambedkar International Centre (DAIC), New Delhi
Restoration and Conservation of
Small Rivers in a Large Basin

8th India Water Impact Summit [IWIS 2023]

“Mapping and Convergence of 5Ps”

(People, Policies, Plans, Programmes & Projects)
Samarth Ganga_Infographic

About the Twin Summits

The National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) and the Center for Ganga River Basin Management and Studies (cGanga) are pleased to organize the 8th India Water Impact Summit [IWIS] & 1st Climate Investments and Technology Impact Summit [CITIS] during 22-24 November 2023. The Summits will be held at the Dr Ambedkar International Centre (DAIC), 15, Janpath Rd, Windsor Place, New Delhi with provision to have participation of some dignitaries and special guests in virtual mode as well as Webcast for delegates who are unable to travel to the summit venue.

The India Water Impact Summit (IWIS) was first launched in 2012 during the evolution of the Ganga River Basin Management Plan (GRBMP) by the Consortium of 7 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) to bring clarity to the myriad scientific, technological, socio-cultural, legal, policy and governance issues pertaining to river basin management in India in the context of highly diverse and divergent stakeholder interests, perceptions and understanding of river processes. On completion of the GRBMP in 2015, six more Summits were held to further probe the unclear or contentious issues and build consensus for scientific understanding, assessment of analytical tools, data requirements, implementation and monitoring mechanisms, policy interventions, synergy and convergence in government and private efforts, and adopting technological innovations for managing India’s water environment holistically and economically.

IWIS has now turned out to be a much sought-after annual event wherein scientific experts, key stakeholders and government representatives discuss threadbare the dynamic challenges and opportunities in India’s water and related sectors. Separate sessions are held to brainstorm over key science, technology, and policy issues, elucidate the views of central and state governments, review new promising technologies, and synchronize the interests of financiers, economists, and technology providers to build a robust technological culture for comprehensive water management in India.

In consequence to the above initiatives, an imperative need has grown to incorporate climate change mitigation and adaptation for the water and environmental sector through technological innovations. Thus, the present Summit is a coupled system of twin summits – the India Water Impact Summit (IWIS) and the Climate Investment and Technology Impact Summit (CITIS), wherein the latter summit is streamlined to bind potential investors with technology providers after review and testing of new technologies and innovative business models, implementation of proven new technologies, adopting suitable financing mechanisms, and collaborating within multiple sectors such as energy, agriculture, urban management, transport, and infrastructure development that are intricately linked with climate, air, land, rivers, and water management.

The 8th India Water Impact Summit (IWIS) will present an exhibition of past achievements of IWIS and hold intensive expert discussions on the themes of “Samarth Ganga and Productive Land” (highlighting the inter-dependability of Land and Rivers), and “Lifestyle for Rivers” (in the context of the ongoing national initiative of Lifestyle for Environment). IWIS will also hold a series of in-depth discussions on specific aspects of river management where successful or promising aspects of river restoration and conservation can be shared between India and other countries for replication – the twinning of river management, tools and techniques for different river systems around the world.

cGanga is pleased to announce the inauguration of the Global Alliance for River Science and Management (RSMA), which represents a collaborative assembly comprising river basin organizations, centers of excellence, and distinguished experts specializing in river systems and catchment areas. The Consortium aims to consolidate expertise, tools, technologies, solutions, and methodologies pertaining to river basin and catchment management, with the primary objective of disseminating this knowledge to nations worldwide. This endeavour is anticipated to contribute significantly to the overall improvement of river systems’ quality on a global scale.
A worldwide digital data center is currently in the process of establishment at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, encompassing approximately 30,000 square feet of dedicated space designed to serve as a comprehensive repository for river basin data, encompassing river systems both within India and across the globe.

cGanga extends an invitation to interested parties to:
• Participate in the advancement of the repository and the establishment of a knowledge hub dedicated to exemplar practices.
• Facilitate the dissemination of digital solutions and knowledge to regions within the Global South.
• Engage in training and capacity-building initiatives tailored for river basin managers. 


1. Approaches to Sludge Management in India
2. Creation of Water Markets in India
3. River Blue Bonds to finance high impact water projects
4. Digitised Atlases of River Basins in India

citis logo

1st CITIS this year will present new technologies for Environmental & Technology Verification (ETV) as in past IWIS, and also have separate sessions dedicated to close interaction between potential investors, economic policymakers and innovative technology providers with their proven new technologies in diverse sectors such as Water, Energy, Waste Management, Food & Agriculture, and Transport.

Summit Timetable



Science and Policy

Finance and Economics

Technology & Innovation


Implementation and challenges

Member Institutions

Speakers and Panelists

Summit Partners

Samarth Ganga Foundation is a new entity and a strategic collaborator to cGanga. Designed as an “applied innovation and impact” think-tank, the non-profit entity specialises in developing solutions with high economic impact. SGF is supporting cGanga to advocate the solution across the nation to various urban local bodies.

The Bharat Technology & Impact Accelerator (BHARATIA) specialises in technology commercialisation by bringing disruptive innovation from around the world to India. BHARATIA is a SGF initiative.

The India Water Leaders’ Council is composed of senior representation from various stakeholders of the water industry ecosystem in India. The IWLC meets once per quarter to discuss and debate critical issues and how to address those. IWLC stands firmly behind the decentralized waste-water treatment.

ETV Participants

Recently Released Reports

Arth Ganga Framework & Bulandshahar Report

Uttarakhand River Atlas Report

Yamuna River Basin Atlas

cGanga and NMCG ETV Report

UK Ganga Connect Report

8th IWIS-CITIS 2024 Report

(cGanga Quarterly Digest)

January 2022
Click to download
April 2022
Click to download
July 2022
Click to download
October 2022
Click to download
January 2021
Click to download
April 2021
Click to download
July 2021
Click to download
October 2021
Click to download

Engage With Us

A. Engagement Models during the Summit

The Summit is a great multi-disciplinary platform to showcase your efforts, solutions, knowledge through a range of strategic engagement plans. These are:
This engagement mode is for Government departments at all levels (central, state, municipal), public sector entities, multilateral institutions, NGOs, and foundations who wish to deepen their strategic engagement with India for the Ganga Rejuvenation programme. It could entail releasing a special report, initiating a project, highlighting select areas of work or other initiatives.
For private sector companies or entities wanting brand recognition, the Summit offers a multitude of opportunities including but not limited to hosting networking events, display of special solutions and other showcases. Please get in touch with the Summit team for more details.
For private sector companies or entities wanting brand recognition, the Summit offers a multitude of opportunities including but not limited to hosting networking events, display of special solutions and other showcases. Please get in touch with the Summit team for more details.

Professional Service Firms and Knowledge-oriented institutions are invited to partner with cGanga and NMCG to prepare and launch a number of special reports during the Summit as well as curate and organise the various Summit sessions.

B. Ongoing Engagement Models

There are various ongoing engagement models that enable partners to find various touch points with the Ganga River Basin. These are:
Interested parties can channel their novel ideas through dedicated task forces and working groups. These groups have in-depth deliberations which are summarised in the form of white-papers submitted to Government and various stakeholders. The working groups are a sub-set of 5 major task forces: (i) Science & Research (ii) Engineering & Operations (iii) Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Skills (iv) Policy, Law & Governance (v) Finance & Investments
Companies interested in introducing their solutions into the Ganga rejuvenation programme can do so through pilot/demonstration projects. They must however first go through the Environment Technology Verification (ETV) process. This allows stakeholders to assess the technologies and ascertain value for money.
Companies interested in introducing their solutions into the Ganga rejuvenation programme can do so through pilot/demonstration projects. They must however first go through the Environment Technology Verification (ETV) process. This allows stakeholders to assess the technologies and ascertain value for money.